Founder's Note
Dear Trinitas Family
It is a pleasure to welcome you into another year – the year 2023. I am glad to walk you through our programs, projects, activities, and events for the last twelve months and most importantly, to give you a glimpse of what we have in plan for 2023. Reaching lives and implementing a lasting change remains our core focus and its with pleasure that I will be sharing with you our journey in the last 12 months.
Looking back, the foundation was able to implement and impact more lives than in previous years. We were able to reach an estimated 50,000 people both directly and indirectly.
The overview percentage of our projects and programs was 20% on food relief, 35% on education, 30% on youth empowerment, and 15% focused on our other thematic areas.
Strategic partnerships with organizations such as Unilever, Binance, Buhler Nigeria, Mainstreet Capital, and Felix Crown Studios to mention a few, have helped us achieve this much.
It is also important for me to note one of our major successes in 2022, which is our volunteers. Our volunteering hours increased by over 120% which in turn increased the success rate of our programs and overall increased our impact. With this increase, I am happy to state that our volunteer network now covers 28 states of the federation, further assisting the foundation in building a nationwide awareness of our impact and achievements.
Increasing our achievements
2023 presents us with another opportunity to touch and impact more lives, and we are ready. As a team, we plan to hit the ground running as all hands are on deck to increase our impact, reach more lives, and implement more projects. We aim to continue with our core programs and projects and design new programs as the need arises to tackle pressing challenges facing our target beneficiaries.
Mr. Manuel Murrenhoff
Nancy Willard said, “When you set out on a journey and night covers the road, you discover the stars”. We discovered a star and we have been blessed to have had Mr. Manuel Murrenoff join our Advisory Board in 2022. He has been immensely supportive and instrumental in the successes we recorded in 2022. His drive and passion are second to none and we are very grateful to have him on board. We look forward to working with him as we pursue our goal of reaching more lives in 2023 and beyond. Heartfelt thanks
I would like to thank our volunteers and management team for their support during an extraordinary year. I’d also like to thank our Board of Directors for their guidance and support throughout the year, your support this year made a difference.
Finally, cheers to everyone who walked 2022 with us, we truly appreciate you.
A great ship needs deep waters and you, our volunteers, supporters, partners, staff, and friends are our deep waters, and for this, we thank you.
Yours Sincerely, Ade George Executive Director, Trinitas Foundation

Our Impact In Figures
Number of meals distributed
Number of people reached
Number of communities impacted
KG of Food Distributed
KG of food donated
Percentage of volunteer increase