Binance Charity has collaborated with Trinitas Foundation, a non-governmental organization (NGO) to provide school bags, gifts, and other educational materials to school children around Lagos, Nigeria.
Binance Charity worked closely with Trinitas Foundation to target the hard-to-reach community that has the weakest school participation.
Trinitas Education Program.
At the school, bags, gifts, and other educational materials were distributed to pupils who study in a harsh environment.
Students were assembled and given a message by the foundation staff to encourage them to strive in their academic journey to change their lives, families, communities, and to make the country better.
The United Nations Declaration of Universal Rights indicates that each child deserves the right to free education. An educated workforce is the foundation of every community and the future of every economy.
According to the CEO of Trinitas Foundation Ade George: “Education is one of the most powerful weapons in fighting poverty in our communities”.
“When a child gets the required education they deserve, they become less of a target for gangs and crime in their various communities”.
“Our belief at Trinitas foundation is that every child has the right to quality education”.
As quickly as the world, government, society, and education system are changing, so should our purpose of education. The purpose of education has always changed to fit in with the current needs of society, which often leads to the undermining of many other important functions that education must fulfill.
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